
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Make-up time!

It has been forever since my last post!  I have been spending as much time this summer with my family, trying to create special memories with them and not sitting in front of the computer.  In one very short month, my baby girl will be heading to Kindergarten.  Although it is only a half day program, I am very aware that it is EVERY DAY and I am realizing that these are our last few weeks together before life changes a bit, as we have known it.  I can't help letting it break my heart...a little.  I can't believe that we are only given 5 short years before our children are put into school for the rest of their lives! I can't stop thinking about that.  The rest of their lives, while living with us, at least!  I know this is no big news.  I knew it was coming since the day she was born, but now that it is staring me in the face, I can't help but be a little sad.  I know every mom has to feel this way???  I'm sure I will be fine after the first few days come and go and I am more used to the bus driving off with my most precious cargo in it.
My hopes for her are that she loves school so much that she cannot wait to go back every day.  I hope she has no trouble making at least one good friend.  I hope the children are kind, please be kind. And that she learns so much.  More than I learned when in school :-)

So, while making these memories together, I have to admit that I have neglected taking pictures.  I feel like I am always the one carrying the big camera around and it makes it impossible for me to actually jump in and be hands on with my kids and enjoy what is going on in the moment.  So, I have been leaving the camera at home.  I know, I know...BIG MISTAKE.  I lost many great moments that I could have treasured forever, but did I?  I have seen a complete change in my daughter's attitude the last month because of how much time I have been able to spend with just her.  I am even catching her saying things to me like, "thank you for doing this with me" or "I had fun with you today." I haven't heard that in awhile.  It has been GREAT starting up this business this year, but A LOT of hard work.  My kids have been used to me being at home and being here to play with them every second of the day.  This year, things have changed.  Many times they have been told to "hold on a minute" and that minute turned into an hour or longer.  I read this same thing on many photographer's blog's and I knew what I would be getting myself into...somewhat!  I really had no clue how MUCH work would be involved.  I can say that I am loving every second of it and I am not going to give up, but I also have to find a way to divide my time evenly, so my children still have a mommy at home! That is why I kept the camera at home, for some things, this summer.  They are, after all, my most important treasure's!
Here are a few of Kenzie playing around with make-up and trying to be "Just like you, Mommy!"  My beautiful Mackenzie....I love you!

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