
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Just hanging out

Yesterday, I thought I'd sneak in a few photo's of my kids in hopes that they would be cooperative.  I really like what I was able to capture.  Most of these have special meaning to me, in one way or another. I am so excited that I was able to capture the way that Nolan points with the "wrong" finger right now and the pretty young lady my Mackenzie is becoming.  I love those big brown eyes of hers!  It will be a very emotional week for me, watching her get onto that bus for the first time.  Kindergarten?  Already?  I'm not sure where the time has gone.  I can't imagine that in another five short years, she will be TEN!  To be honest, that scares me to death!  Can't they just stay this little forever??

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My first Session blog!

Welcome to those of you joining me for the 1st time!  I am going to try to blog my sessions from now on and hope to improve this site and the blogs as I get used to this!  Here we go...

This was a special session for me.  I went to college with the mommy of this new little lady.  We lived together all through college and we have many, many great memories together.  It was so nice to visit with her and her growing family and watch her as the wonderful mother she is today.

"Lady B," as I will call her, is only the 2nd infant I have had the pleasure photographing.  She was absolutely perfect and so very patient!!  We had so much fun trying out all my new props and I can't thank Megan enough for choosing me to be her infant photographer!  I am so very lucky!  Enjoy...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


My Nolan likes all things Cars right now...from the movie Cars.  He carries around multiples of anything tiny enough to fit into his hands.  I hope I never forget this.  Squinkies are a big favorite right now as well because of their size!  Here are a few recent ones I took of my sweet Nolan Jay.

Make-up time!

It has been forever since my last post!  I have been spending as much time this summer with my family, trying to create special memories with them and not sitting in front of the computer.  In one very short month, my baby girl will be heading to Kindergarten.  Although it is only a half day program, I am very aware that it is EVERY DAY and I am realizing that these are our last few weeks together before life changes a bit, as we have known it.  I can't help letting it break my heart...a little.  I can't believe that we are only given 5 short years before our children are put into school for the rest of their lives! I can't stop thinking about that.  The rest of their lives, while living with us, at least!  I know this is no big news.  I knew it was coming since the day she was born, but now that it is staring me in the face, I can't help but be a little sad.  I know every mom has to feel this way???  I'm sure I will be fine after the first few days come and go and I am more used to the bus driving off with my most precious cargo in it.
My hopes for her are that she loves school so much that she cannot wait to go back every day.  I hope she has no trouble making at least one good friend.  I hope the children are kind, please be kind. And that she learns so much.  More than I learned when in school :-)

So, while making these memories together, I have to admit that I have neglected taking pictures.  I feel like I am always the one carrying the big camera around and it makes it impossible for me to actually jump in and be hands on with my kids and enjoy what is going on in the moment.  So, I have been leaving the camera at home.  I know, I know...BIG MISTAKE.  I lost many great moments that I could have treasured forever, but did I?  I have seen a complete change in my daughter's attitude the last month because of how much time I have been able to spend with just her.  I am even catching her saying things to me like, "thank you for doing this with me" or "I had fun with you today." I haven't heard that in awhile.  It has been GREAT starting up this business this year, but A LOT of hard work.  My kids have been used to me being at home and being here to play with them every second of the day.  This year, things have changed.  Many times they have been told to "hold on a minute" and that minute turned into an hour or longer.  I read this same thing on many photographer's blog's and I knew what I would be getting myself into...somewhat!  I really had no clue how MUCH work would be involved.  I can say that I am loving every second of it and I am not going to give up, but I also have to find a way to divide my time evenly, so my children still have a mommy at home! That is why I kept the camera at home, for some things, this summer.  They are, after all, my most important treasure's!
Here are a few of Kenzie playing around with make-up and trying to be "Just like you, Mommy!"  My beautiful Mackenzie....I love you!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Needing to use the camera!

Today it has been almost a week since I have used my camera!  I was supposed to have 2 sessions over the course of last week and due to weather, they fell through.  I was feeling kind of bummed and then it hit me...I have been so wrapped up in researching everything photography, that I have barely taken time to capture my little one's lately!  Mackenzie was MUCH more cooperative today than Nolan.  Understandably so, since he has a double ear infection that doesn't seem to want to clear :-( Round 2 of antibiotics starts...NOW!
We were supposed to have another rainy day, but it turned out to be pretty fabulous outside!  Here is what I was able to capture and I WILL be putting these on my wall!